18/01/2024 Nathaniel HEIDEN

Bacterial Leaf Streak Diseases of Plants: Symptom Convergence
in Monocot Plants by Distant Pathogenic Xanthomonas Species

Bacterial leaf streak (BLS) is a disease of monocot plants caused by Xanthomonas translucens on small grains, X. vasicola on maize and sorghum,
and X. oryzae on rice. These three pathogens cause remarkably similar symptomology in their host plants. Despite causing similar symptoms, BLS
pathogens are dispersed throughout the larger Xanthomonas phylogeny. Each aforementioned species includes strain groups that do not cause BLS
and instead cause vascular disease. In this commentary, we hypothesize that strains of X. translucens, X. vasicola, and X. oryzae convergently evolved
to cause BLS due to shared evolutionary pressures. We examined the diversity of secreted effectors, which may be important virulence factors for BLS
pathogens and their evolution. We discuss evidence that differences in gene regulation and abilities to manipulate plant hormones may also separate
BLS pathogens from other Xanthomonas species or pathovars. BLS is becoming an increasing issue across the three pathosystems. Overall, we hope
that a better understanding of conserved mechanisms used by BLS pathogens will enable researchers to translate findings across production systems
and guide approaches to control this (re)emerging threat.

Publiée : 12/01/2024