20/10/2022 Houssem TRIKI

Coupling plant growth models, application on pest & disease models: an interaction structure proposal

When a plant is attacked by a pest or a disease, different effects can be observed on

the yield and/or on the different organs that have been affected by the pest. In order to

represent and simulate these effects, different works were done on the interaction

between plant growth model and its environment, or plant-pathogen (Qi et al., 2009),

plant-climate or plant-plant (Gaudio et al., 2021). The literature on plant-pathogen

coupling is poorer regarding combined biotic and abiotic stress dynamics (Louarn et

al., 2020). A classic way to approach model interactions is to test them within each

other, but this approach is specific to each use-case and difficult to generalize (Garin

et al., 2014). Here, we propose to develop a formalism allowing to highlight all the

coupling effects on the dynamics of all the models involved over a large timescale

(theoretically, throughout the plant’s lifespan).

Publiée : 19/09/2022