15 Septembre 2022 - Alejandro Divo FUENTES MARTINEZ Center for genetic Engineering and Biotechnolgy (CIGB), Havana, Cuba

Does Tomato latent virus “pseudorecombine“with Tomato mottle Taino virus?

The geminiviruses are emergent plant pathogens with single circular DNA genomes. They are grouped in 14 genera where Begomovirus is the most represented, having bipartite members (with two genome components) and few monopartite members (with one genome component). Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV), Tomato mottle Taino virus (ToMoTV) and Tomato latent virus (TLV) are begomoviruses found in Cuba infecting tomato plants. TYLCV (monopartite) causes curling and yellowing of young leaves and a general decrease in plant growth. ToMoTV (bipartite) causes a yellow mottling, wrinkling and bending of young leaves, although short after a slight recovery was observed. In contrast, symptoms provoked by TLV (monopartite) were not found at all. A genome recombination analysis and iteron motif characterization identified TLV to be the most close to TYLCV and ToMoTV. In order to simulate potential outcomes of a mixed infection, the replication of TYLCV, ToMoTV and TLV in co-agroinoculated tomato plants was monitored. A replication patterns for TLV in tomato plants co-infected with TYLCV and ToMoTV were obtained. As a result, ToMoTV had an effect on the accumulation of TLV. Besides, it was shown the B component of ToMoTV enhanced the accumulation of TLV. The presented data suggest a probable complex interaction between these begomoviruses that leads to pseudorecombination, which could impact on their dissemination.

Publiée : 08/09/2022