InTeractions – Evolution and Mechanisms (ITEM)

The ITEM department is interested in the molecular dialogue and the evolutionary processes that determine the interaction between plants and pathogens.

Traditional rice terraces in the area of Tu-Lé, Vietnam © INRAE, E. Fournier


  1. What are the genetic bases and mechanisms of the virulence of pathogens and of the resistance and susceptibility of plants?
  2. How do the genomes and the molecular determinants of virulence, immunity or susceptibility evolve in pathogen and plant populations?
  3. Which factors determine the durability of natural crop disease resistance?


Our work provides insight into fundamental processes governing plant-pathogen interactions and produces transferable knowledge for improved and durable crop resistance, for sustainable resistance deployment strategies and transition to a Darwinian agriculture and for tracking disease emergence and epidemics (epidemio surveillance).

Our research is committed to produce impact in developing countries and we have therefore strong partnerships with research and transfer institutions in Africa, South-East Asia and South America.

Study pathosystems

For our studies, we focus is on major crop diseases caused by bacteria and fungi and work at multiple scales, from individual molecules and cellular pathways, over dynamics in fields up to evolution at global level.

Expertise proposed

  • Suivi de la résistance aux fongicides dans les populations fongiques.
  • Evaluation de nouveaux fongicides et d’agents de lutte biologique.
  • Diagnostic des maladies et monitoring de populations: détection, typage d’isolats, épidémiosurveillance.
  • Nouvelles sources de résistance par criblage de matériel génétique et approches biotechnologiques innovantes.
  • Consulting pour programmes de sélection

Research groups

  1. BLAST - Fungal population genetics & genomics
  2. CIME - Cereal Immunity and Magnaporthe Effectors
  3. FBI - Fungi & Banana Interactions
  4. MSLT - Mécanismes Symbiotiques chez les Légumineuses Tropicales
  5. XPERT - Xanthomonas Pathogenicity & Evolution — Research & developmenT